I know her as Patty, but to her students she’s Miss Avila, a native of San Benito, Texas (born and raised) and an elementary school teacher at Frank Roberts Elementary. I have had the pleasure of knowing Patty since middle school and I can tell you she has always had a contagious smile, she lights up any room she comes into with her positive energy and is always involved in school activities. It brings me joy, that she always keeps up with all our former classmates as she helps organize our high school reunions.

What I have discovered about Patty is that she’s very involved in giving back to her community of San Benito. She’s currently the Vice President of the Texas Conjunto Hall of Fame and Museum. She loves plants and trees, even though she says she does not have a “green thumb”, I still believe her plants and trees would blossom alone with her energy.

I am very proud to see Patty flourish throughout her journey and when asked if there was one change she could make in the world, Miss Avila responded, “People tend to put ‘Labels’ on each other, by making assumptions based on their physical characteristics, political view points, age, race, color, religion, financial status, educational background and etc.” Miss Avila believes, that if people lived in a world where “labeling” didn’t exist we would be able to embrace each other’s differences rather than attack them. We would be able to broaden our minds, share ideas and listen to other’s opinions, rather than shaming them. We may realize that our core values, and human interest, are aligned with each other. She states, “When we ‘label’ each others we are only setting limitations to ourselves to explore the goodness in others that are just trying to live their best life. Thank you Patty

Thank you Patty it is individuals like you who will definitely make a difference and inspire our children to go and make a difference!

A Good Teacher is like a candle- It consumes itself to light the way for others- “Mustafa Kemal Ataturk”