As mother’s day approaches this Sunday, I was set to say a few words about my mom Anita. However as I thought about it more, I decided to celebrate my sisters and mom. Growing up in San Benito, a small town in South Texas near the border, my memories of my family are special. We have a big family and we had a family tradition which was every Thursday we all gathered at my mom’s house to eat pan dulce and drink coffee. My sisters and mom caught up on their week and it was pure laughter and joy occassionally a little drama but hey we are a big family with strong opinions which what makes us great! As we got older and our lives changed we built our own family and traditions, my sisters still found a way to keep the family tradition alive. Today they meet on Saturday’s for breakfast, do a little shopping and still find a way to have their pan dulce & coffee.

Of their humbling beginnings from picking cotton and okra, to being successful business women, and today enjoying being semi-retired to retired all the while enjoying life in Texas is what makes me the daughter and mother I am today. And because of them I am able to share their story to my son Nicolas.

Thank you mom, Anita and my sisters Leonor, Julie, Silvia, Maggie, Maria Elena(RIP) and Blasita for being my role models and for showing me how to love, be humble, be grateful and never forget where it all started. God Bless & Happy Mother’s Day.